How to Become an Actor/Actress? (14 Tips of Acting Career).

Person doing acting front of camera.

One of the most asking questions. I have received, how to become an actor/actress. This career required hard work, practice, and bit luck.

To begin, as an actor, you get the chance to expose you’re inside talent, to play different character or role.

So, in starting many of us get confused. From where we start searching for acting opportunity around the world without any experience.

Additionally, acting under entertainment industries need lots of practice and learning. This filed required your hidden talent too.

For example, if you can make the voice of other famous actors. Or might you have good body physics! These would be your plus point.

It’s also, very important that you work in your facial expression, body language, and communication skill.

Dedication is very important in this career. Plus small experience can be open up the big opportunities too.

Therefore, today I am going to cover the list of considering points. Which will surely be going to give you good ideas to pursue this acting career.

1). Work on your voice (Become an Actor).

One of the common talent which required very offenses is your voice changing quality. Apart from that, it’s required that your voice should be clear and loud.

In other words, it should be hearable perfectly once. To make your voice clear and perfect it’s good that you avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

Coldwater and chill coloring also will make your voice harsh. Means, basically you have to do the good take care of your voice.

If you are already in school drama or theater then. It’s a good practice that you read the script and check your voice modification.

2). Study the industry.

It’s an important business that you should know about the industry. In which you want to enter. If might be you are not aware of the industry. Then I will suggest you kindly study as much as you can.

Knowing industry from his scratch, it will be helping you out. Develop your skill according to demand. Read the work and struggle of previous actor/actress.

Reading acting business books and acting book will guide you, for better performances. While studying these books you will not only learn the acting techniques.

You will also able to develop the ideas that, how thinks can work more easily in a tough time.

So ideally, apart from a reading book, you have to start the acting classes or Drama Theater too.

3). Work on your memorization.

You can start with any small script. Reading lines and get in your mind for perfect dialog delivery, is another required step.

It’s not all about reading and repeating. After reading the line you have to understand the emotions behind that line.

And according to script requirement, you have to put that emotion in your dialog line is important.

Normally, it’s not easy as it looks, so practice lots on that. Try to come up with three or four kinds of different emotions for the same line.

This kind of regular practice will make you improve for acting. As competition is very high in the acting industry too.

So, you must always work a little extra in your acting skill. Do the regular exercise for health and peacefull mind!

Read the script again and start memorization. Feel the character which you are playing and behave according to the character.

4). Switch Emotion according to the role.

This is probably one of the toughest work. Which shows your acting talent and skill. As we have discussed above, while you are playing any character, it’s important that you act like that character.

If the character line shows happiness, then you should deliver the same. And if a character changes his emotion suddenly in sadness, then you have to present as same.

Swing your emotion according to script line is very challenging. Most of famous actor/actress also get failed sometime at this point.

Make sure you read the script properly and convey the character emotion correctly.

5). Practice More (Become an Actor).

To keep your performance share and good. It’s good that you do lots of practice. Alone at home will not work much according to my opinion.

So kindly, join the small theater, drama class, acting workshop, etc. They will keep providing you the opportunity of performing.

Although this kind of companies also has good connections. Which can help you in the future! Attending an acting class will make you familiar with the camera and audience.

It will make you comfortable to work around 100 people. Also, it gives you the chance, to see other person acting. Which will give you the motivation an indirect way!

Many famous actor/actress get there first big break, while they are working under small theater only.

So, do not think that big brand and big cities only can give you a big break.

6). Act as much as possible.

Surely, today we do have a lot of colleges and university. Which teaching lots of students “how to become an actor”. But the practice of drama is basically playing main part. When you are starting playing a role.

Then, keep acting and build your resume more interesting. Do not see small acting or big role, just act. And play different characters.

Work with different variety of class drama. If your resume will speck half of your work. Then it would be easier for you.

Generally, small act sometimes takes our big attention. So play as much as the role you can. Work on your facial expression.

Build the power, so that the audience stands with you. If you cry on drama then audacious cry too. If you laugh audacious laugh too.

Build extra activity like dance or singing. In today competition it’s important that you work on multiple skill.

7). Watch and learn (Become an Actor).

As you want to make your career in acting. The possibility is there that you have, your favorite actor or actress list right.

Or perhaps you have any role model. So, start to watch favorite actor or actress movies and see the mouth movement. While they are acting different characters.

Learn as much as you can, from your role model acting. See how they change the facial expression. Take tips while you are watching his/her interviews.

Check out the life struggle part of the actor. Normally, people are always seeing the good part. Checkout your role model bad days, when his movies are not working well.

Because this industry not only gives fame. Sometimes it gives lots of failures too.

8). Arts Academy or University.

You can also take the admission in any acting academy or either university. Normally, it gives you the platform to learn acting techniques.

Under university, you will get the chance to work on stage. Pass out with good arts academy will make your resume stronger.

Sometimes when you work continuously and unable to find the correct path. That time your coach will guide you. Your coach will give you real motivation and strength.

Benefits of coach are work that time also. When we do not want to act and our coach is pushing us to act better.

So, taking admission to act academy is always a good idea.

9). Expose your talent in front of media.

As you know that social media and the internet are playing a big role today. So, make your Facebook fan page, Twitter or YouTube.

You can make your YouTube chancel and publish your acting videos. Show your talent to others. Showcase your acted videos with creativity.

Let the audience know your name and your specialty. You never know when any big brand will check you out and refer you for his new product.

Many of big actors or actress of Television world. Hired for an acting job like this too. Put relevant photos and videos with the hashtag. Deliver the good acting form and make your own identity.

Build a strong network and take their advice. Try to make contact with the producer or director, no matter are they working for a small screen or big.

Show them you work continuously through YouTube video. Make them impress and ask for their opinion.

10). Build a perfect resume (Become an Actor).

Make you resume list with all your talent. Put your important skill in points. After that mention that acts you did in your acting class, acting workshop, university stage, or theater.

Mention your special abilities, for example, singing, dancing, stunt fighter, etc. If you have a degree from act academy then mention the same. Any reward or award from theater mention too.

11). Move to the metro city.

So basically the idea behind moving a big city is to be near to your working industry. For example, Mumbai, Los Angeles, London, Atlanta or New York.

If you are leaving near to your work city, then only you will get the idea of screen work and areas. Besides, it will give you the boost up plus you will be aware of the competition.

Sometimes visiting under big theater also will teach you a lot.

12). Hookup with add agencies.

It’s the best idea that you make a connection with some add agencies. Send your resume to them keep contact them.

Keep updating your resume with them. If possible be aware of the opportunity. For example, if might agencies are looking for any fresh face or not.

Always ask for their advice and a good connection. Do not give up instant, stay connected with them.

13). Accept the rejection (Become an Actor).

One of the big truth of this industry that you will be facing lots of rejections. This is the reality of this business.

Additionally, many big actors get their first big break after 3 years or 5 years of struggle. So, before deciding to be an actor. You have to make up your mindset too for rejections.

Rejection can happen because of many reasons. Does not means that you are a bad actor. Sometimes project selection team also get confused. To whom they select or not.

However, for every role, only one person can be selected. So it can be happen many times. That you get rejected after given your best shot too.

So, you have to be strong for that and be prepared that the count of rejection will also give you a count of more chances.

14). Consistent with the patient.

Following the above points will make you improve. If you are truly dedicated to your career. Then making your dream fulfill will not be hard for you.

Just keep connected with agencies, improve your acting, and publish your quality videos, accepting rejection, quality of your inside will differently make you successful.

This field required lots of patients. Might be after getting one small break you will not get any further work. That time also you have to keep motivated to yourself.

Always open up for new acting techniques and learnings. Become an actor will going to take you’re effort and time. So love your passion, develop your active habits, work or major points.

Slowly you will see the improvement and success. Do not rush to pursue your dream, make a list of your work. According to that fix and succeed the goal.