How to Reduce Stress And Get back Relax Again [In Exam].

Class board of ho to reduce stress and get relax

Everyone gets stress at some point in time. The question is “How can we reduce the stress“.

It common, when we have an exam near to us or any kind of class test, stress comes automatically.

Every human being gets stress reason could be uncounted office pressure, home pressure, boss pressure, final exam pressure, interview selection stress or many more.

Therefore, today we are going to talk, how we can reduce this kind of stress.

So that it will not affect our body plus we can deal with the situation.

I have also stress out a lot when having exams. So, I do understand what mindset has gone through at that point in time.

So, we are going to dissection 10 steps which will help you to reduce your stress.

Let’s drive in it…

1). Drink Water.

Yes, drink water as much as.

Drinking water, in enough amount, will help you lot to reduce stress in study time.

I have my personal expression in this, usually, I always love to drink water.

However, when I get stress I have the first focus to consume the water.

Because it does not only reduce stress.

It keep hydrate your brain and body. A lot of people do not have a habit to drink water.

I am not saying to force yourself to drink water.

But when you get stress to keep the water of bottle in your hand and take a slip and then take a breath and see the changes in your mind.

70% of our body is water only and if you keep giving your brain enough amount of water then it will reduce the stress fast and you will be fine soon.

2). Plan Out Your Study Topics or Project.

Making note of your study plan is very effective to reduce your stress. Besides you have enough time for it.

It is always good to pre-plan your study strategy.

Make a weekly plan if required reduce your Television or video game playing time.

Do not respect one subject throughout the day in that way you will feel bored.

Change the subject on an hourly basis and put an interesting topic also between all this.

So that you will not get pressures in any one subject. Right down your week topics and strong topics.

After that make your weekly plan according to subjects you have.

3). Listen to Your Favourite Music.

Music has the power to drive your mind in a different way.

Have you feel sometimes when we are listing the music our mind is automatically going in that “pain zone or happy zone” which related to music we are listening.

Music has the power to boost your mind.

So when you get tired or study then put your favorite music and enjoy the bit.

If you can dance then even batter.

If you do not like rock or pop music then go for classic one or soundtrack but take a break with music.

It will not only reduce your stress it will make your pumping for the next few hours.

4). Not Let Yourself Distract.

Sometimes we come under stress because we are not able to cover our fulfillment in the required time.

Maybe because we are more focusing on facebook, twitter, Instagram to sharing a photo or in a video game.

Check the social media in free time is ok but, while the study that time better put your phone in silent mode.

Because this little thing gives you lost of stress in the last moment of the exam.

Go offline, find a silent place and start your work, if you make this habit a few days then you will get automatically stress out of your thoughts.

5). Exercise or Yoga.

Exercise in day or yoga is one of the best ways of reducing stress.

Stop your thoughts when doing yoga or exercise.

It not only reduces your body stress is also helpful for your mental stress.

If you do exercise regularly then it will better. It will not only improve your mindset it will make you strong from inside.

First of all, choose the right place of workout and better if you do this in your morning time.

6). Write it Down.

There are, few people. Who not normally speak much or not able to express own self usually.

For those, I will suggest whenever you feel stress then write things down in paper or dairy.

Always, keep throughout topics or matters which gives you the botheration.

Written have big power and relieve stress strategy.

So if you love writing then note down your throughs planning and take a deep breath.

7). Have a Coffee.

It is not a long time effective method.

However, for a time begin when your doing a study or dealing with boss in an office.

You can take a cup of coffee it will also reduce the stress for a while and give you the energy to stay calm.

Sometime before starting the study or project we feel tired or not getting confidence.

At that point, of time coffee will help you out.

8). Break Required.

No matter you are doing a study or working in an office break is always required.

While doing study take small snakes break and refresh your mind.

Do not overpressure your mind to study otherwise you will feel stress automatically.

So taking a break to reduce your upcoming stress, do not ignore that.

9). Eat Proper.

Some of the students get focus in the study so deeply, that they do not even remember his eating timing.

First of all, a healthy mind only will run fast.

No matter today you memorize every topic and feel stress-free from your exam or project.

But, if you will not eat food properly then you will feel that after while you all memorize topics will go.

That means your mind not working in a healthy way.

So, eating food looks very small thinks to us. But guys, sometimes small things make a big problem.

Therefore, eat food timing will also help to reduce your stress.

10). Enough Sleep.

Not sleep proper hours also make us stress full.

Sometimes we feel that, body in pain and getting stress in mind.

Even though we really do not know why it’s happening in our body.

It happens because of less sleep or not have enough sleep.

No matter how bad the day you have or how much study pending are available, the sleep of seven hours is very important.

Route of our life we change some time according to our self is ok, but if your work in that way long it will not only harm your body.

It also makes you feel stressed all the time.

When you get stress to try to distract your mind, do not think much lessen music and drinking water in one of the favorite moves which I normally do.

Remember we have a very strong mind power we can turn things according to ourselves just need a strong and healthy mindset.

How Do You Reduce Stress Naturally?


1). Limited use of the internet.


We are so used to of internet that we cannot feel. We do have stress because of regular internet use. If you turn off a few a use channel from your mobile internet.


Then you will feel less stress as compared to the rest of the day. This is one of the natural ways of reducing sing stress. In other words, you do not need to do any extra work. We just need to reduce extra activity.


2). B Vitamins.


Vitamin B works for relaxing to the body. It provides the proper function to the nerve and brain. Many vegetables also come with vitamin B protein.

Which helps out the body in a natural way, for example, Germ, beans, nuts, eggs and so on.

3). Cannabidiol oil.

This oil is good for the body. Like other oils, this oil does not contain the THC and tetrahydrocannabinol. You can easily buy this oil through any healthcare shop.


Also, much research proof that cannabidiol oil has the potential to reduce panic and stress.


4). Herbal teas.


Herbal teas are good for health and some herbal teas effect on the body that results in reduced stress or anxiety.


5). Homeopathy.


Homeopathy is more than one hundred years old and it is popular around the world. Natural hilling is always effective for the body.


Homeopathy is used natural substances, such as plants and minerals. Might be homeopathy look complex to you but homeopathy remedies are safe.


In my opinion, if you are looking for homeopathy treatment. Then research online and chose the natural healthy homeopathy remedies.


Some popular remedies which are poplar for reducing stress are.

  • ·        Sepia.
  • ·        Ignatia.
  • ·        Chamomilla.
  • ·        Natrem Muraticum.


I would like to thanks to all my readers, who make this guild interesting.

Now it’s your time to let me know.

Which step of stress out helps you more.

Let me know through eave the comment below.